Solidarity cards

Your card is capable of more

See the projects

What are they?

A Solidarity card is your MoraBanc visa card, but more charitable. Because whenever you use it, you will bedonating small contributions to charity projects of your choice.

How? Very easy: the contribution will be donated automatically by rounding up the amount on all of your purchases. And, in addition, MoraBanc will match your donation.

Obtaining your MoraBanc Solidarity card is very simple: when you request a Solidarity card we will send you a replacement card with the same numeration that will replace your current card.

MoraBanc and you, supporting worthy causes

MoraBanc has always supported many social initiatives either by economic contributions to non-profit entities or by giving logistic support to their actions.

It is our way of contributing to social justice and to reaffirm ourselves as a charitable Andorran bank.

Collaborating entities

In Andorra there are a great number of charities which aim to contribute to cohesion and to social justice, both in our territory and worldwide.

Now, you have the opportunity to collaborate with them and the projects they carry out. With your MoraBanc Solidarity card you will be able to choose which entity/ies you want to add to:


The project

Raise awareness of gender equality. Through advocacy activities and campaigns that raise the visibility of the important role women play in our society.

Raise awareness of women’s health. Through the organization of recreational and sports events that raise awareness and encourage public participation in women’s health, as well as the organization of several informative talks and workshops that aim at promoting women’s health.

The entity

The Andorran Woman’s Association is a non-governmental organization (NGO) whose objectives are to:

  • Encourage the participation of women and raise their visibility.
  • Promote and exercise values and attitudes like solidarity and cooperation.
  • Be a point of reference for women and women’s groups.
  • Boost and promote public participation

The Information Point for Women was created in order to respond to the range of demands for information and care, to foster processes of autonomy and to contribute to overcoming situations of gender inequality. This free and confidential service aims to give voice to all women, identify their proposals, interests and needs and to continue to move forward together towards a more egalitarian society.

Visit the website of ADA


The project
Leisure for all children!

Scholarships for vacation camps: for children from deprived backgrounds to be able to enjoy fun, healthy and educational experiences.

Monitor training: to preparethe individuals who work with Aina’s children, so they can perform their work with the best preparation.

The entity

Leisure is an essential part of children’s development. The simple act of sharing break time with other children promotes important values in the lives of these little people. Supportiveness, kindness and complicity are some of the most evident examples.

Unfortunately, not all families have sufficient resources to ensure that their children enjoy these experiences. The AINA association works to provide all children from Andorra the opportunity to enjoy a vacation camp or a weekend adventure, among other leisure activities.

This project, energized by volunteers, offers a range of educational activities during free time, has infrastructure adapted for wheelchairs and includes facilities such as games rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms and open spaces.

Visit the website of AINA

AUTEA (autism spectrum disorder association)

The project

Youth Group Programme

Young people with ASD find it difficult to establish social relationships and friendships, leading them to situations of isolation. The Youth Group programme supports young people and their families so as to address and manage these situations. The programme has been in its pilot phase since 2019.

Home care Programme “Home support from 6 to 12 years old”

The home care service is designed for families who have joined AUTEA with children between 6 and 12 years of age suffering from ASD. This project is partnered by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Housing and Youth and it seeks to enhance the families’ capabilities, facilitate communication and interaction and increase the minors’ development and improve their quality of life.

The entity

AUTEA is a non-profit organisation that seeks to raise public awareness of the disorder and defend and manage the rights and legitimate interests of people with ASD and their families in Andorra. The association is a full member of AUTISM EUROPE. AUTEA conducts various programmes at the request of its associates in order to address situations of vulnerability involving people with ASD and their families in Andorra.

Visit the website of AUTEA (autism spectrum disorder association)

BOMOSA Private Foundation

The projects

The Young Reader Voluntary Work is a group of young students that, in their free time, visit their patrons in their houses or retirement homes in order to read to the patrons texts of their choice. Besides, they also offer dancing and music performances making use of their talents.

Body of Volunteers for Nature is a project promoted by La Massana Parish in partnership with Bomosa. This project came about to solve a real problem faced by society in Andorra regarding young people at the risk of social and occupational exclusion, that is, people between the ages of 16 and 18 who neither go to school nor have work.

The programme run by the Body of Volunteers for Nature project seeks to give a second opportunity to these individuals by giving them the possibility to train so that they can improve their career prospects and join the job market. On the course, the young participants have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in a number of areas related to nature such as gardening, landscaping and forest safety.

The course teaches the students values such as the importance of sharing, punctuality, respect for the environment and animals, etc., in addition to giving these young people prospects so that by the time they finish the course they will have gained new experiences and knowledge that will be useful for jobs in the future.

The entity

The BOMOSA PRIVATE FOUNDATION is a non-profit organisation whose chief goals include conducting, promoting, coordinating and cooperating in the development and execution of programmes and projects designed to improve people’s quality of life and to protect and regenerate the environment in the territory of the Principality of Andorra.

Social network: FacebookYouTube

Visit the website of BOMOSA Private Foundation


The project

The project consists of managing charity shops The products sold are donated by customers and volunteers, who also collect items that are in a good state from household waste recycling centres.

The first charity shop opened in January 2011 with the help of the parish of La Massana, which has handed over two premises free of charge, one for the shop and the other as a warehouse. Carisma shops can now also be found in Escaldes-Engordany and Sant Julià de Lòria.

In 2014, Carisma entered into a collaboration agreement with Agentas so that people with difficulties in joining the job market could work in the NGO’s shops.

The entity

Carisma is an NGO set up in January 2011 by a group of volunteers of various nationalities living in Andorra. The aim of the association is to help NGOs and not-for-profit organisations that do social work, mainly in Andorra, and to give jobs to the unemployed and individuals with social needs, chosen mainly from young people and the disabled.

Visit the website of Carisma


The project

Support Programme: its goal is to encourage and boost the living standards of people and families who are in need or at risk socially thanks to a multidisciplinary and global approach that includes psychological support, legal advice and social intervention.

Volunteer Programme: its goal is to encourage actions which support and mutual assistmembers of society and especially to help the most disadvantaged. The project is focused on promoting social volunteering, be it in support services for the elderly and the sick or managing tasks within our organisation.

The entity
Christian values as basis for change towards social justice

Cáritas Andorrana is the Church institution that takes care of coordinating, guiding and boosting its social action in the Principality.
Cáritas Andorrana is the federation of the Principality’s parish branches of Cáritas – and therefore represents all of the branches before national and international diocesan bodies. Helping in the promotion of the individual and the integral development of the dignity of people in precarious situations are just some of their goals.
The social tasks that Cáritas carries outare wide and very diverse. Besides developing activities aimed towards social inclusion of people in situations of social exclusion or poverty, it also dedicates its efforts to exposing the causes that provoke social injustices and generate these situations. Cáritas Andorrana’s action to eradicate poverty also has an international dimension, since it belongs to Cáritas international network, formed by more than 162 national Cáritas with presence in 198 countries and territories. Cáritas Andorrana is also a member of Cáritas Europe.
Through the Social Action Department, the Communication and Training Department and the Goods Administration Department, Cáritas Andorrana carries out its mission, which takes the form of national and international projects:

  • Primary Care Programme: Hosting, guidance and support of people at social risk in the different parishes. Its goal is to attend to their basic needs and promote their capabilities so they can enjoy some degree of independence.
  • Volunteering Programme: Care for the elderly or the sick and promotion of social volunteering.
  • SupportPsychological and legal support for families in difficult situations.
  • Move: Care, social and labour reintegration of homeless people in Andorra.
  • Passer-by’s: Care of homeless people with no official residence in Andorra.
  • Clothe: Second hand clothes and furniture collection and distribution, performed by people with social needs; and promotion of the environment’s responsible management.
  • International cooperation: Implementation and economic funding of projects for third world development.
  • Food bank: Use of food and basic products in support of people in serious need.
  • Others: Awareness campaign in schools, Three Kings campaign, NGO’s Platform participation, collaboration with CECAS and the Penitentiary Centre, and “Study of social needs in Andorra”.

Visit the website of Càritas


The project

Volunteering action is one of Cooperand’s most important and visible projects. It allows allow 12 and 15 Andorrans to receive training during 6 months in order to travel to Bolivia and carry out volunteering tasks in one of the 8 foster homes for street children. The tasks to be conducted will be different based on the professional and personal profile of each candidate. This action doesn’t finish in June, when the training is finished – Cooperand still manages and coordinates their volunteers on the ground very closely, namely their work, the workshops and projects they carry out, their accommodation, communication, coverage of basic services, trips, coordination and weekly meetings, etc.

The entity
Close to children and young people who live on the street

Cooperand amb Llatinoamèrica is an Andorran association that has worked with street children in Bolivia since 2004. Boys, girls, teenage and young, abandoned by their families, are fostered by different homes with which this project works in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Cooperand takes action during the whole year on the ground, leading different humanitarian and educational development projects and providing tools for their future social and labour reintegration.

In 2005, Cooperand started the “Foster chain” in Andorra. Today, more than 80 Andorran families Foster a child from these homes and maintain a fluent and steady correspondence with them. Children receive a new family’s affection, who takes care of them, and this evolution brings hope.

Cooperand has also worked in awareness programmes since 2007 focused on our country’s youth, in collaboration with schools, universities and sport associations in the Principality.

Visit the website of Cooperand

Creu Roja Andorrana

The project

The aim of the Solidarity Card project is to raise funds to obtain semi-automatic defibrillators (AEDs) to lend to sporting events that do not have them and thus prevent a very serious emergency, such as a cardiopulmonary arrest.

The institution

The Andorran Red Cross, created in 1981 and recognised under Law 89/2010 as a humanitarian institution of a voluntary nature in the public interest, carries out its activities as an assistant and collaborator of public administration agencies under the protection of the State, maintaining its independence and autonomy, with full acceptance of the Seven Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

The Andorran Red Cross carries out its activity in different spheres where dedicated professionals, both volunteers and employees, work to support Andorra and its people, especially the most vulnerable groups.

The Andorran Red Cross is organised to provide the following services: Lifeguarding, Social Intervention, Youth, Public Health Promotion and Activities, International Operations, Training, Dissemination of Institutional Values, and Social and Health Transport.

Visit the website of Creu Roja Andorrana


The Andorran Adapted Sports Federation is an organisation that strives to support people with disabilities in any sporting event. It offers its time, resources and specific equipment to improve the quality of their physical activity.

The project

Provide support and means for the sporting career of para alpine skier Roger Puig

FADEA will allocate the resources it receives from the MoraBanc Solidarity Card to provide support and means for the sporting career of para alpine skier Roger Puig, who competes in the Ski World Cup, an event in which he has already achieved excellent results, ranking him among the best in the world in his category. Puig suffered an accident at the age of 14 when he was a member of the Andorran Ski Federation team, which caused a hemiplegia on the right-hand side of his body and the loss of all his motor functions.

Visit the website of FADEA

Fundació Privada Clara Rabassa

The project

Thanks to the money raised with the Solidary card, the private foundation will cover the costs of those people who are in a retirement homes and have no economic resources left.

The entity
Working for the well-being of the elderly

Fundación Privada Clara Rabassa is a non-profit organisation that takes care of the well-being of older people. Life expectancy in Andorra is one of the highest in the world. This ageing population makes retirement homes and day centres more necessary than ever before in order to assist the elderly and people dependent on others.

That is why, thanks to the gifts that Clara Rabassa Torres gave to the Church, the Clara Rabassa Private Foundation was created. It fosters the elderly, people with disabilities or dependency and even people with no resources who suffer from loneliness and family absences.

Clara Rabassa Retirement Home is the Foundation’s main service. It is located in the centre of Andorra la Vella and it currently fosters about 60 residents and 20 people that use the facility as a day centre. It provides help for families, support in situations of necessity, medical and nursing control or rehabilitation among other services. Besides, the Foundation has other accommodations, such as supervised housing for the elderly and people with reduced mobility.

Fundació Privada IBO-ÀFRICA

The project

Nutritional support centre.

The entity
Mozambique and the Ibo island

The Republic of Mozambique is a country located in the African south-east, edging with the Indian Ocean and divided in two by the Zambeze river. Its population is around 21 million inhabitants, most of whom survives basically thanks to subsistence farming and traditional fishing.

Mozambique is a former Portuguese colony and obtained their independence in 1975. Shortly after a war between two opposite ideological factions broke out and it lasted until 1992. Meanwhile, in 1990, a Constitution that transformed the State in a multi-party democracy – and is still valid today, was adopted.

Despite having reached a certain degree of political, economic and social stability in order to boost their development process, currently their life conditions are awful and Mozambique is still one of the poorest countries in the world. It ranks 160 out of 177 countries in the Human Development Index ranking.

Visit the website of Fundació Privada IBO-ÀFRICA

Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell

The project


Early intervention programme

There are children who are born with a condition that directly entail an intellectual, sensory or physical impairment, such as Down syndrome, deafness or cerebral palsy. Others show a slow or altered development and find it hard to learn to walk, talk or emotionally bond with their parents. In other circumstances, the children suffer from other risk conditions that may place them in danger of developing significant disorders when they grow up, sometimes due to a lack of family structure, to their parents’ mental problems or to hereditary illnesses.

In all cases, studies demonstrate the importance of an early intervention so the proper psychological, medical, therapeutic, educational and technological resources are provided for each case and the consequences of the impairment can be mitigated or corrected.

It is equally important to assist the parents in this extremely difficult time, and provide them with the necessary information and support so they understand their kid’s characteristics, limitations and possibilities ad they can take part in their education in a responsible, creative and informed manner.

IMPULS has the goal to design and apply as soon as possible individual intervention programmes in order to improve as much as possible the child’s behaviour and development level. In addition, it provides parents with the necessary support so they don’t feel alone and are able to intervene constructively in their children’s specialised education and treatment.

The entity
Supporting a fully inclusive society

Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell was created in 1969 and its mission is to provide disabled people with care and support in order to promote their education and personal development, improve or keep their personal self-determination and independence to the greatest possible extent, and ensure the utmost personal well-being and living standards throughout their lives.

Over the years, Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell has developed an increasingly wide range of specialised resources and care that are materialised in a series of programmes that covers a specific age or scope of action:

Early Intervention Programme – IMPULS.
Schooling with Support Programme – PROGRESO.
Special Education Programme – EDES.
Work with Support Programme – AGENTAS.
Occupational Workshops Programme – XERIDELL.
Residence and Living Programme– L’ALBÓ.

As a main Andorran institution of care and support for disabilities, Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell has signed a Collaboration Agreement with the Government of Andorra.

Currently, Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell helps 286 people, from babies to the elderly – people affected by intellectual disabilities, developmental disorders, mental diseases, sensory deficits, neuromotor impairments and other disabling conditions.

Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell fully stands behind the Disability Rights Convention, advocated by the UN in 2006, whose goal is to “promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity”.

Visit the website of Fundació Privada Nostra Senyora de Meritxell

"Hi Arribarem" Association

The project

To allow persons with special needs to enjoy leisure activities in the mountains of Andorra both in summer and in winter.

Andorra’s mountains attract thousands of people from different places every year. Our role is to help local people with special needs to discover and enjoy the Andorran mountains by providing them with all the necessary human and material resources.

Volunteers are the spearhead of our association. Thanks to their efforts and dedication to the project, people with special needs can enjoy fun filled days and exciting outings all year round.

Activities include taking a trip to the lake of Estanyo, sleeping in the Sorteny mountain refuge, going down the slopes of Arinsal and experiencing all the sensations of skiing, or even having a Brotherhood meal at the end of the year.

We strive to ensure that regardless of their level of income, people with special needs and their relatives or carers can take advantage of all these activities by making them free for them.

The entity

This association is dedicated to the practice of mountain activities and skiing for persons with special needs.


Visit the website of "Hi Arribarem" Association

Infants del Món

The project

Llar Infants del Món-Cambotja

The Home World children-Cambodia was built in 3 phases (2003-2005) and currently fosters 68 orphan children or children from families with serious economic problems that can’t cover their basic needs.

The Home’s goal is to provide the fostered children with a safe space in a familiar atmosphere and to give them access to education and health in a favourable atmosphere, so that they can develop to become adults who can integrate in their country’s society.

They go to state schools and are given lessons of revision, Khmer language, physics, chemistry, maths and English and they attend after-school activities such as ceramics, arts and crafts, traditional dances or IT lessons and they read in the library in order to enhance their physical and creative skills.

The staff is local and is comprised of 2 coordinators, 1 administrative, 4 educators, 3 cooks and 1 technical worker that live in the Home, and 14 external teachers. The Home is managed by the Education Office, delegated from Andorra, and they take care of the children, the workers and workings of the Home.

The entity
Infants del Món(Children of the World) is an Andorran NGO founded in 1999.

Our goal is to transform the living conditions of children from poor families in developing countries, by defending children’s rights and respecting their culture and beliefs in order to avoid their social exclusion, through schooling.

Our actions are directed to children, because they are innocent victims and we believe that every child has a right to get education, food, a home and a proper medical attention so they can live a decent and balanced life.

Initially the Sponsorship programmes were aimed at children from Vietnam, but over the years we have expanded to other countries where children also need us. Therefore, we currently have sponsorship programmes in Chile, Philippines, Peru, Cambodia and Nicaragua. This sponsorship allows children from poor families to be schooled so they can escape from poverty and enjoy their future. Our goals have diversified with the expansion of the programmes, and through a collaboration with other organisations, we help to eradicate mistreatment, malnutrition and any kind of abuse or discrimination against children.

With the purpose of helping the greatest number of children, we have conducted construction projects every year:

  • 14 Nursery Schools (Vietnam and Cambodia)
  • 9 Primary Schools (Vietnam and Cambodia)
  • 1 Lycée (Cambodia)
  • 1 School for disabled children (Vietnam)
  • 1 School (Cambodia)
  • 1 Dispensary (Vietnam)
  • 1 Maternity Unit (Vietnam)
  • 1 Paediatric Ward in the Common hospital (Cambodia)
  • 1 Boarding school for university students (Vietnam)
  • 1 Kindergarten (Vietnam)
  • 1 Library (Vietnam)
  • 2 Student dorms (Vietnam)
  • 1 Centre for the blind (Vietnam)
  • Power line (Vietnam)
  • Reform 2 Orphanages (Brazil y Vietnam)
  • Foster Home “Infants del Món” (Cambodia)
  • Roof of the boiler room (Romania)
  • Game room for the leprosarium (Vietnam)
  • Renovation of an orphanage roof (Romania)
  • Repair of Common’s dispensary (Cambodia)

We have bought

  • 1 Industrial washing machine (Romania)
  • School material (Vietnam)
  • Educational and musical material (Vietnam)

We have carried out

  • 2 projects to combat chronic child malnutrition (Peru)
  • 2 projects to aid community development (Philippines)
  • Vocational training course (Philippines)
  • Project against child abuse (Peru)

We have participated in the reconstruction after:

  • Peru earthquake (2007)
  • Philippines typhoon (2008)
  • Typhoons in Vietnam

These projects wouldn’t have been possible without the invaluable help of the Government of Andorra, Andorra’s Local Councils, ABA (Andorran Banks Association), several companies from Andorra, cultural and sport institutions and many private individuals.

La Gavernera (CAI)

The entity

La Gavernera (CAI) is a residential care centre for children and young people at social risk and is managed by the Government of Andorra’s Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Employment. Thanks to the clients’ and MoraBanc’s help, CAI commits to open a fund to invest in scholarships for the underage students living in the centre that want to engage in post-compulsory education, in after-school activities for the minors and in school support activities that may be required for those CAI children and young students.

Mans Unides

The project

Improving the facilities at the Anna Maria Jou school in Senegal

The Ana Maria Jou primary school in Mampatim in Senegal has been in operation since 2018 with three classes of 50 pupils. It is run by the nuns of the Piarist schools, with whom Mans Unides Andorra has worked over the years.

This project aims to construct a building that will house the school’s administration, secretary’s office, storeroom and canteen.

The entity

In the year 1982 the first Mans Unides campaign took place in Andorra, following the goals of the Manos Unidas Spanish organisation – NGO for the development (NGDO) created in 1960. Our goal is to alleviate the hunger in the world by fighting against inequalities and boosting social commitment with the most disadvantaged people in the world.

All the team members are volunteers.

Our goals are to:

  • Finance development projects (educational, medical, social and agricultural) that are requested directly from Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • Raise awareness and inform our country’s public opinion about the situation in developing countries.

Visit the website of Mans Unides

Marc GG Association

The project

The Association does not charge the people who go to the meetings any fees, as it believes that they are sufficiently grief-stricken by their loss without the need for further burdens. It therefore seeks out small subsidies so that the Association is able to carry on running activities from time to time.

The entity

The Marc GG Association, a support group for parents who have lost a child, is a not-for-profit association that was set up in 2012 following the death of Marc GONZÁLEZ GALOBARDES, the 17-year-old son of Francesc GONZÁLEZ and Rosa GALOBARDES, the Association’s current vice-president and president.

It was initially just created for parents who had lost a child. However, the Association now holds other meetings for different types of loss: widows, siblings, etc.

Over the past four years, more than 50 people have turned to the Association seeking help to get over the profoundly tough path of bereavement.

Visit the website of Marc GG Association

Private Tutelary Foundation of Andorra

The project

The Foundation was created with the aim of assisting and defending the rights of elderly people, persons with mental disorders, persons with special needs or minors at risk of social exclusion, and, more generally, any vulnerable person who cannot support himself or herself.

The increase in the number of people cared for by the Foundation since its creation eight years ago shows that the Tutelary Foundation fulfils a growing need in our society.

The money collected from our charity card will be used to finance the Foundation’s various projects, in order to continue the work that has been undertaken thanks to our commitment with both public and private institutions, and particularly the judicial authorities and families that entrust us with the protection of disabled persons and/or their relatives.

The entity

The Private Tutelary Foundation of Andorra (“the Foundation”) pursues the following goals:

  1. To protect the disabled persons or persons with reduced mobility who are placed in the care of the Foundation, whether they are elderly people who require assistance, persons suffering from mental disorders or disabled persons who cannot support themselves, as well as children who have been abandoned or are at risk of social exclusion. The Foundation’s purposes and sphere of action extend to the care and protection of both the person and his or her assets, subject to the terms laid down in the relevant court order. Therefore, the Foundation provides a service of general interest which finds its legal basis in Law 15/2004 of 3 November 2004, known as the Disability and Guardianship Act.
  2. To show our full solidarity with the needs and problems faced by disabled people and their relatives by providing them with appropriate support and care, and to raise awareness in the Andorran community so as to increase people’s commitment and involvement.
  3. To carry out the Foundation’s activities with full independence and autonomy, as the superior interest that guides our action is to ensure the quality of life and protection of the person in care in a safe, respectful and confidential environment.

The Foundation operates in the Principality of Andorra.

Visit the website of Private Tutelary Foundation of Andorra

Local Development Association

The project

Since 2018, the CDL has been organising summer camps in Réo for 50 to 100 children. These involve a series of socio-educational activities conducted by local monitors during the summer months, which is the rainy season in Burkina Faso and coinciding with the period in which there are more food needs and, at the same time, the children are unoccupied. The aim of the project is to cover the basic needs of the boys and girls who take part, as well as to keep them busy and offset the shortcomings of the area’s educational system by means of the activities the camp offers.

The institution: Cooperation for Local Development Association

The CDL (Cooperation for Local Development association) seeks to undertake sustainable development projects around the world in the field of education. It does so in partnership with local organisations and authorities, striving to enable every person everywhere to get by with their own resources and skills. The CDL believes in people and in enhancing their skills in order to improve living conditions for all.

Unicef Comitè d’Andorra

The project

The money raised with the Solidarity Card is used for the creation of an Insaka centre in Zambia to promote early childhood development

In these centres, children and their parents and carers receive the support they need to acquire good and healthy practices in care, nutrition, and education and to play with their children. It is a pilot project that aims to increase the number of Insaka centres throughout the country.

The entity
Working to guarantee children’s rights

A child’s smile is the door that opens the path to hope – hope of creating a world where all children enjoy the same rights, have the same opportunities and, this way, are able to contribute to the creation of a better world for future generations. Currently, 17,000 children die every day as a consequence of the poverty into which they are buried (UNICEF, 2013). UNICEF works in order to guarantee that every child, with no distinction of race, sex or religion, live with the utmost dignity, finally free from poverty and misery. In order to accomplish this aim, and taking the Convention on the Rights of the Child as basis, UNICEF focuses its efforts in the following priorities:

  • Girls education, to ensure that regardless of their sex, all children attend school and receive quality education.
  • Comprehensive development of early childhood to ensure the best beginning in life.
  • Immunisation and “more”. No more avoidable deaths.
  • Fight against HIV/AIDS and disseminate information about how to prevent it.
  • Protect children from violence, exploitation, abuse and discrimination.

The Andorran National Committee for UNICEF (CNA) was born in 1994 as an NGO with the willingness to support UNICEF’s goals. Based on the belief that a better world for the children is possible, Andorra stands as a country that can be a pioneer in the protection of children’s rights both nationally and internationally. Through development cooperation projects, as well as promoting the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Education for Development in Andorran society, CNA collaborates in the improvement of children’s life all over the world.

Visit the website of Unicef Comitè d’Andorra

Get your solidarity card

Whether or not you have a MoraBanc card, fill in this form to receive your Solidarity card.
  • Mora Banc Grup, SA, con domicilio en la Av. Meritxell número 96, AD500 Andorra la Vella, es el responsable del tratamiento de los datos personales contenidos en el presente formulario con el fin de atender su solicitud. En cualquier momento podrá acceder, rectificar, suprimir, limitar, oponerse, solicitar la portabilidad y retirar su consentimiento a través de la dirección electrónica siguiente: Para más información sobre el tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal por parte de Mora Banc Grup, SA consulte la Política de privacidad web.

If you want to be a collaborating entity, join us!

As a social entity working in Andorran territory, MoraBanc offers you the possibility to sign up to this initiative. Consult the requirements and preconditions needed to be part of the Solidarity cards project as a collaborating entity.

If  you are interested, fill in the form and MoraBanc will get in contact with you to give you further information about the joining process.