MoraBanc and our community

Challenges are overcome thanks to our clients and employees

Food and clothing collections for charity

We are particularly proud of our employees, who independently organise and coordinate the collection of food and clothing for Cáritas Andorrana every year.

No children without toys

For 7 years, every December we have taken part in the toy collection campaign, organised by Ràdio i Televisió d’Andorra. The donated toys are then distributed to children in need by Càritas Andorrana.

Solidarity cards

Our most ambitious initiative that is already a part of our product portfolio. Our Solidarity cards give our customers the chance to support their chosen charities together and have their donation matched by MoraBanc. If you don’t yet have yours, what are you waiting for?

Education and training as the key to progress

We sponsor one of the most significant educational events in our country, the Andorran Mathematics Olympics. It has been organised every year since 1989 by the Spanish Embassy in the Principality and its main goal is to promote an interest in mathematics among young people.